Hi there, my name is Sam and for years I battled the bulge like so many thousands of people out there. I know how it feels to be over-weight. This is my story about how I finally managed to lose weight and how you can easily lose weight too. But more importantly, how you can keep it off forever.

Click the link below to download my free weightloss report and give yourself the edge that you need to make a real difference to your life, best wishes, Sam


Fast Weight Loss Tips - Jump Start Your Diet Today

Rapid weight loss is very motivational and while weight loss naturally slows as you continue to move toward your goal this article will give you the weight loss tips you need to get the scale dropping fast and get you feeling good quickly.

These jump start tips give you a strategy for quick weight loss which will have a positive impact on your overall success. After successfully following these recommendations for two weeks your body and mind will be better prepared to reach your goal.

1. Limit carbohydrate intake after lunch. This means that your afternoon snack and evening meal will not include a carbohydrate or starchy vegetable. For instance avoid breads, pasta, corn, potatoes, cereal, rice and grains after lunch.

2. Stop eating 3 hours before bed. A great way to maximize fast weight loss is by not eating at night when your body has less of a chance of using the calories.

3. Eat unlimited non-starchy vegetables. You do not want to get too hungry while working toward weight loss so your best food type to fill up on is non-starchy vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, onions, mushrooms and other vegetables that are low in calories and high in natural water content. Eat these high-fiber foods in large quantities to stay satisfied and avoid cravings.

4. Drink extra water. One of the easiest ways to jump start your weight loss is to consume 8 or more glasses of water a day. This helps flush out toxins, aids your body's ability to metabolize fat and helps you feel full. Whenever you can take in water.

5. Avoid refined carbohydrates and alcohol. These food types cause havoc to a good diet and in order to jump start your weight loss you will want to avoid refined foods such as pretzels, chips, candy, sweets, cookies, baked goods and any form of alcohol for the next 14 days.

If fast weight loss is your goal then follow these 5 tips and you will move rapidly toward your goal: limit your carbs later in the day, stop eating before bed, eat plenty of non-starchy vegetables, drink a lot of water and avoid junk foods and alcohol. Quick weight loss is possible when you follow the right tips.

Are you interested in Speed Dieting? Here is the solution to fast weight loss that lasts http://www.speeddieting.net/course.php
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Becky_Gillaspy

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever............... Click The Link Below............

Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start..... Click The Link Below............


Walking to Lose Weight - A Safe and Natural Weight Loss Program

Walking to lose weight may not sound like the most exciting, revolutionary or scientific idea you've heard. It almost sounds too simple --the notion that you can lose weight by by doing something as everyday as walking. Don't let this simplicity fool you. Walking to lose weight is a very good idea, for reasons we will explore in this article!

The problem with many weight loss diets, programs and systems is that they don't work in the long run. Some don't work period, as they are merely scams to get you to buy the latest diet pills or join the latest bandwagon. Others work for a while, but then they stop working and you often gain back even more weight than you lost! This happens with extremely low calorie diets, for example. You do lose weight, because that's what happens when you hardly eat. The problem is, your body is not meant to sustain this kind of diet and you will eventually have to compensate by abandoning the diet and eating more. The alternative is even worse -you force yourself to stick to this unnatural low calorie diet and jeopardize your health. Not good.

Exercise is an important factor with any weight loss program. There are problems with this too. One is that many forms of exercise make you prone to injury. This is true for everyone, but especially as you get older -meaning past your early twenties! Walking is probably the safest form of exercise there is. You can do it at your own pace. It's also the most natural form of exercise in the world. Early humans, who did not have nearly the problems with obesity that we do today, did not jog, go to health clubs, ride bicycles or take pilates classes! They did, however, walk, usually much more than we automobile-obsessed people do.

So walking is a natural and safe exercise, but is it really helpful in burning calories? The answer is, "yes," but only if you do it consistently and for a long enough period of time. If you can walk, either outdoors or on an indoor track (outdoors is usually better and more enjoyable, but in bad weather there's nothing wrong with indoor walking) for an hour a day, as briskly as you can comfortably manage, you will be burning off calories and improving your health.

You don't have to start with an hour a day. Nor does it have to be all at once, though it's better if you can do it in one session, as that will get your metabolism moving faster. But two half hour sessions are fine. If you haven't exercised in a while, start walking for fifteen minutes at a leisurely pace. It's best to walk somewhere that you find interesting, relaxing or otherwise enjoyable. This can be anywhere from city sidewalks to a path in the woods. In more suburban areas (that have neither sidewalks nor woods nearby), look for parks or tracks that you can use.
You can make your walking sessions more fun by getting a partner. Start a local walking club; that way you aren't dependent on one other person. You can walk in small groups and talk. If you are alone, you can wear headphones and listen to good music or books on tape.

Of course, you can also get a machine that allows you to walk in place, but it's good to get fresh air. But if you really don't have the time or motivation to get outdoors, the machine option is certainly one to consider.

Walking to lose weight, when combined with a sensible (not extreme) healthy and low calorie diet is a natural way to lose weight. It's something most people can safely do. The only trick is to be consistent about it.

Check out some more safe and natural Weight Loss Tips! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maire_Brody

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever............... Click The Link Below............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start..... Click The Link Below............


Best Female Exercises For Weight Loss

Here are a few of the best female exercises for weight loss that you can do. They work for men also, but women seem to react better to these exercises. Read this now if you want to learn how you can REDUCE your exercise time but increase your WEIGHT LOSS results.
Female Exercises for Weight Loss

1. Combo walking on an inclined treadmill
What the heck is combo walking? Simple... you walk forwards for 1 minute and then you turn around and walk backwards for 1 minute. Keep alternating between them for a total of 20 minutes.

Your body isn't ready for this. The backwards walking confuses it. It's forced to react. It's reaction includes quicker weight loss. Why? Because your body adjusts to workouts really quick. If you keep doing the same workout over and over, your body pretty much laughs as you.
It's a cakewalk for it. It can do your workouts in it's sleep. It needs a challenge. Something different. Walking backwards is TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

Another thing... walking backwards also keys in on different muscles in your legs as compared to normal forwards walking. Expect to be sore the next day. Don't make me beg you to do this... it's awesome. Just try it once. Don't worry about what others think.

2. Jump-ups onto a bench
This is a great fast-paced cardio exercise in which you jump up onto a bench with both feet. Then you jump down. Do this as fast as possible for 1 minute non-stop. Do this for a total of 3 sets. Rest 45 seconds between sets. Do this twice a week.

This gets your heart going. It creates a nice oxygen deficit which acts as a catalyst for rapid fat loss.

I consider these 2 of the best female exercises for weight loss. If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night. If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com
Jennifer Jolan Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever............... Click The Link Below............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start..... Click The Link Below............


Easy Weight Loss Recipe - Start Your Day With This Superfood Smoothie

Eating low calorie foods for maximum nutrition is a must for any weight loss program. This delicious blueberry smoothie will add superfoods to your breakfast with sweet, tangy blueberries which contain anti-inflammatory ingredients, plus Vitamin K and Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

This Superfood Smoothie is a meal in a glass and also makes a great snack for increased energy-something that is very important when you're trying to lose weight.
Smoothie Weight Loss Secrets

The more slowly you eat or drink the better when you're trying to lose weight. Savor each mouthful by eating your smoothie with a tablespoon over the course of ten or 15 minutes. Eating slowly is great for your digestive system and this is good practice for eating slowly throughout the rest of the day too.

Rinse out your glass and the blender with lots of warm water right away, and you won't have problems keeping your blender clean.

1 banana
½ c low fat vanilla soy milk or low fat milk
1 c vanilla fat-free yogurt 1 ½ tsp flax seed meal
1 ½ tsp honey
2/3 c fresh or frozen blueberries

You can also add a tablespoon of high quality protein powder for added protein to start your day.

Put banana, yogurt, flax seed meal, soy milk and honey into your blender and mix on low until smooth.

Add blueberries and continue blending.

Once the banana and blueberries are fully chopped, increase speed to medium.

Continue blending until you reach the consistency you want.

This blueberry smoothie recipe makes 2 servings of Superfood Smoothie.

Rinse your blender and glass and the blender right away with warm water and it makes clean-up much easier.

Nutritional Information per Serving - does not include protein powder if you added this ingredient.

Calories 244
Fat 3g
Sodium 94mg
Fiber 4.5g
Protein 9.4g

© Copyright 2008 by Joan Jones
Joan Jones is an award winning freelance journalist who writes feature articles on travel, home and garden, health and nutrition. Visit her new food and cooking blogs, where you'll find terrific recipes and food related articles at
http://JoansCountryKitchen.com and http://DeliciousBlueberryRecipes.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_Jones

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever............... Click The Link Below............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start..... Click The Link Below............


Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

Yoga is a great way to lose weight and keep your body in shape. Here are a few of the most helpful types of yoga asanas to help you achieve your weight-loss goal. Not only this, but a few tips-and-tricks to coincide with your yoga lessons. All to help in building a healthier and happier you!

The most common problem area for over-weight people is their abs. Whether you are just a little over-weight (5-20 lbs) or well over that. You will more than likely experience the want to have a flat tummy. Luckily, with yoga for weight loss there is hope! Some of the yoga poses for your abdominal muscles (the core) are:

* The abdominal lift
* The child pose
* The cobra pose
* The yogic seal pose
* The wind releasing pose
* The spinal twist
* The Baat pose
* The naval move

However if you Have chosen to work on your legs and arms, the asanas are different. Instead, you will want to focus on this list of poses:

* Tree pose * Hero pose
* Dog pose, both face up and down
* Bridge pose, both face up and down
* Swinging lotus pose
* Celibacy pose
* Squat and rinse pose * Triangle pose
* Hero pose
* Sun solute
* Advanced wind releasing pose
* Butterfly pose

If you are seeking to tighten your chest muscles, which can aid in dropping pounds as well as helping with back pain. You will want to look to these poses:

* Baat pose
* Lumbar wheel pose
* Spinal twist * Hero pose
* Triangle pose
* Dog pose both up and down

Now that we have looked into some of the different poses that will help you in losing weight in your target areas. We will take a look into some helpful hints to live a healthier life (the yoga life). First and foremost you should remember that you are indeed what you eat. If you choose to eat unhealthy fried food for your daily meals, chances are you will not see the results that you want. However, if you instead choose vibrantly colored fresh meals you will find yourself shedding pounds. Though, as with anything; even these can be bad in excess. Practice portion control for your meals, and you will find yourself having more energy throughout the day.

In conjunction you may wish to add in a steam-room or baths to help reduce stress in your life. It has been proven that stress can be a damaging factor in the battle against excess weight. Water is a wonderful thing! Not only should you be bathing in it, but you should be drinking more than you probably are. In this fast-pace life we all reach for caffeine to get us by the daily grind. However, with that we ignore the importance of water. This will help you to stay hydrated not only during your workout, but give you the important minerals and nutrients that you can only get from our water.

The three popular types of yoga you may have heard of are hatha yoga, power yoga and bikram yoga. Hatha yoga is the style of yoga most practiced today. It is what you will think of when you think of yoga in general. Power yoga is a more aerobic-style yoga, with an emphasis on cardio. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga performed in a heated room to accelerate detoxification. Universal Yoga sells everything you need to practice these and other forms of yoga, pilates and meditation including yoga blankets, yoga bags, workout clothing, meditation cushions, uplifting apparel and yoga DVDs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Freeland

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever............... Click The Link Below............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start..... Click The Link Below............


Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Weight Loss is a Lifestyle, Not a Diet

Diets have come and gone and a new one will be invented tomorrow promising you everything and delivering very little. That is because they are considered something you go on and then go off. In other words, they are temporary. That is not to say they are useless just that they will never give you continued success unless you change some things permanently.

What is a Diet Good for?
Diets have their place in your weight loss goals. First of all, they can be beneficial to jump starting your metabolism. Kind of a fire starter if you will. A jump-start will give you more energy and the initial weight loss can boost your self-confidence.

However, you will need to be ready to make some whole life changes if you want the results to be permanent. What are some changes you will need to make? Well a lot of that depends on you.

Lifestyle Changes- Fast Food
Are you a fast food junkie who eats out at least a couple of times per week? If so, you will find that you have plenty of company. Many people are so busy that the drive through is a perfect solution for dinner, lunch and even breakfast. The problem is many have no idea that one meal from a fast food restaurant can contain nearly a whole day's caloric intake.

One popular fast food joint has a burger that is 750 calories! The burger alone is a third of your recommended daily allowance; add the fries and a drink and you are done for the day.
Does this mean you can never have fast food again? Not necessarily, but it will mean that you have to be aware of what you are eating. Most fast food places have a website that contains all the nutritional information for the foods they serve. Check them out then make you a list of "safe" fast foods.

Exercise Changes
If you never move your body more than from the house to the car to work and back you will have a hard time losing weight and keeping it off. The human body functions best when there are periods of exercise. It increases mood stabilizers in the blood stream and best of all burns calories.

While you are on your diet, take the time to incorporate exercise into your life. You will feel better and increase your weight loss rates exponentially. Start with a walk, park further away from the store or your office. Then as you progress, find time to walk more or jog. Whatever you can comfortably fit in your schedule will be a great place to start.

Healthy Eating
This is absolutely the most important part of all. While you are on your chosen diet, you will want to become familiar with healthier food choices. Find ways to make your favorite foods better for you. Can you substitute ground turkey for ground beef in some recipes? Learn new recipes that include fresh fruits and vegetables.

You see your body needs several things to function at a healthy level. Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals just to name a few. You also need certain fats to cushion joints and protect your vital organs. Create a lifestyle eating plan that brings all of these elements into play and you will feel amazing and best of all you will be able to lose weight and keep it off.

If you are looking for a proven diet with which you can lose weight in short time, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the answer. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet generated will include the foods you like. With numerous meal combinations you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. Click Here to Visit http://www.squidoo.com/fatloss4idiotsreviewsforu for more in depth details. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Matthew_Moore

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............

2 Exercises That Work For Weight Loss

Here are 2 exercises that work for weight loss. If you're at the gym doing all these different things and still not getting results, I urge you to read this article and focus on 1 or both of the exercises I'm about to talk about. You don't even need to go to the gym to do them either. Take 2 minutes right now to read this article. It'll be worth it.

Exercises that Work for Weight Loss

1. Mini-trampoline jumping
Now here's the thing I like about this. The time flexibility. I use this exercise to radically boost my metabolism because I do it in short spurts of 2-3 minutes at a time. I usually do at least 10 of these a day. I'll tell you how I make that easy too... I do it during tv commercial breaks.
Understand this... short, frequent workouts are much better for increasing the speed of your metabolism than 1 longer workout. This is a basic fact. So work with it, not against it.
2. Run up stairs and walk back down
Do you have stairs in your home? If you do, then you have the ability to drop a lot of fat FAST. All you need to do is run up those stairs and walk back down. Repeatedly do that for at least 5 minutes NON-STOP. It's quick and efficient, but it's harder than you think. If you can't do 5 minutes, work up to doing 5 minutes. Do it for 2-3 minutes to start. Whatever. Just start doing this exercise EVERYDAY.

These are 2 proven exercises that work for weight loss, so start using them.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night. If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com Jennifer Jolan Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............


What Are Green Tea Weight Loss Products?

The number of green tea weight loss products in the market has been increasing in these few years. In fact, researches and studies have found that this kind of herb contains antioxidants. And it can also help a lot when you are trying to lose fat. This is why so many people are trying these products nowadays.

As a matter of fact, green weight loss products can help to increase your metabolic rate. To this end you can burn calories more effectively. It can be considered a kind of natural fat burner. Besides, it can also help to slow down the oxidation process in your body. So, you can get more benefits than just fat loss.

It will also be interesting to mention that this kind of herb has been used by people in Chinese and Japanese for centuries. For best results, you can consider taking green tea weight loss pills before you go sleeping. This is because our metabolism will tend to be slower when we are sleeping. Taking them before sleeping can help you to maintain a relatively higher metabolic rate when you are on the bed.

It is very important for you to understand that taking green tea weight loss products alone is never enough. It is a must for you to take a healthy and balanced diet. Be sure to avoid junk foods. You should not eat foods such as fries and hamburgers if you would like to lose fat. You will get a healthier body if you can combine the use of these products and a good diet.
One last point is that, you should be very careful when you are choosing green tea weight loss pills. It is very important for you to choose products which are safe to use. Remember to choose the one which is natural!

So, be sure to read weight loss pill reviews so that you can choose the best green tea pills. You should also read more on healthy weight loss Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Antony_Lee

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............


Weight Loss Tips and Sugar

Sugar is not evil, but it should be used in moderation with any diet. Too much sugar will provide too many empty calories and will defeat any diet that you try.

Here are a few weight loss tips that help you limit your sugar intake:

Alcohol is not always a bad idea on a diet. Compared to a lot of other foods containing carbohydrates, alcohol is not nearly as fattening. For example, one glass of wine has fewer calories than one slice of white bread. Some types of alcohol are worse than others. After-dinner-type drinks and liqueurs have a high content of sugar and should be avoided. Wine is not quite as bad as other types of alcohol, but it should still be used in moderation.

Candy, cakes and other sweets are, of course, something you want to restrict when you're on a diet; however, you do not want to eliminate them completely. If you completely eliminate sweets and treats, then you will find yourself craving them. This would not be good for your diet.

Milk is one food item that some people are surprised to find contains a lot of sugar. Milk contains lactose, which is a form of sugar (similar to fructose and sucrose) and is found in all types of milk (skim, low-fat, and whole milk). While dairy is something that you want to have in your diet in order to get calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients; you need to make sure that you are not drinking too much milk, because too much milk will actually sabotage your dieting efforts.

And while we are talking about sugar, I want to add one note about artificial sweeteners. Just because you're using an artificial sweetener doesn't mean you can consume as much of a food or drink as you want. Moderation is always a good rule to follow.

Limiting sugar while you're on your diet is always a good idea. Make sure you do not eliminate it completely, because that can lead to feeling deprived. Feeling deprived while you're trying to lose weight can cause you to give up or to abandon your weight loss plan. Use these weight loss tips in order to make losing weight easier and quicker.

Weight loss does not have to be hard! There I said it. Once you have your diet in check and you are exercising consistently, you can even begin to incorporate weight loss supplements into your daily diet.

Find great weight loss tips as well as customer reviews on the best weight loss supplements at http://www.markethealthreports.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Corey_T_Bruhn

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............


Making Weight Loss Affirmations Work For You

Gaining weight has always been associated with eating junk food. There have been volumes of research on the fast food culture that has invaded every aspect of society and how humans who eat the stuff have become oblivious of what they are eating and what the processes that have been set in place to ensure that these burgers and fries come to your tray, in your stomach and out the door.

The information is right there plain as day, but do you notice something strange about those who are obese and know that the food is bad for them? They keep going back to the same type of food, they keep over eating and they seem to be unable to stop themselves. Which begs the question, is the food really that good? Have the people behind Burger King, KFC and McDonalds created a burger so good or a piece of chicken wing that is simply so irresistible that it makes those who are unhealthy go back to the very source of their woe and spiral down into a collective degenerative pile of helpless individuals? The answer to this of course is no. Nothing can be that good, not unless these fast food companies have laced their foods with drugs. I would akin the same effects of overeating to the effects of a drug like heroin.

We as people like to eat; it is within us to enjoy the process of eating because it serves a biological purpose and keeps us alive. We are happy when our stomachs are full. However, the food and beverage industry has decided to up the ante with gastronomical creations and artistic incarnations of food that makes us crave for them even more. It is a concept similar to the creation of drugs. There is no need for them, they do not serve any benefit to our physical well-being, yet some end up addicted to them. Without a measure of control, we can be just as addicted to fast foods as drug addicts are to drugs. So what turns us into fast food (or even normal, conventional food) junkies?

When we overeat, our bodies go into a cyclic pattern of yearning, where we associate the feel-good feeling of eating with the particular type of food we enjoy, and we end up inadvertently making it a part of our needs system. It is the same for heroin; the brain makes it a need after it associates the feeling of euphoria with the taking of heroin. Do it often enough and we trick our mind into believing that it is part of the biological process.

Eat a lot and do it often enough and we make ourselves and our subconscious mind believe that is essential to our emotional and psychical survival. This is where withdrawal symptoms come from and this is where we see the true root of addiction, whether it is over eating, smoking or even drugs. It lies in the mind because it has decided that to survive, we need to do these things.
This is why anything and almost anything can be an addiction if we believe in it. Like alcoholism or even conditions like obsessive-compulsive behaviour - where even the small nuances that are not done to one's obsession with perfection - will cause a catastrophic collapse of mind and body. With subliminal technology and weight loss affirmations, the source is hit directly the messages removed and eventually the weight will be gone - and you will stop overeating.

Click Here to get your Free 'Ultimate Success Unleashed' CD and achieve success faster. Greg Frost is a self improvement coach and has been helping thousands of people worldwide to achieve their dreams and goals through the use of subliminal CDs. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_Frost

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............

How to Lose Weight Without Diets

Technically speaking, losing weight is simple -- just cut your daily intake of calories and exercise more. When your organism finds it cannot extract the necessary energy from the food you consume, it will start burning the fat deposits in waist and other parts of your body. So, the most natural way to lose weight is to keep to a diet, which reduces the energy your consume and do regular exercises to burn energy.

While this approach to weight loss is most natural and healthy, it is not easy. No wonder that a lot of so-called weight loss pills were developed, which make it easier to lose weight. One of the most popular categories of these pills are fat blockers and fat binders. They work by reducing the amount of fat that your organism assimilates from foods. Fat blockers (the most well-known example is Orlistat, marketed as Xenical) in particular inhibit the lipase enzyme in the intestines which breaks up fat making it ready for digestion.

As a result, the fat cannot be absorbed by the organism so it passes freely through the bowel. Fat binders work by binding to the fat molecules, again making it unabsorbable by intestines. Fat blockers and binders have very nasty side effects (among them are uncontrollable foul-smelling anal discharges.) Naturally you cannot expect that removal of fats from your diet in such a way will be healthy.

Another category of weight loss supplements includes appetite suppressants. They reduce your appetite by making the organism think it is already full. One of the most popular herbal appetite suppressants is Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia is a cactus-like plant which grows in South Africa. Its appetite suppressing capabilities were well-known by Bushman who used it during their long hunting trips. Since Hoodia Gordonii is a purely natural treatment, it doesn't have any side-effects associated with synthethic prescription appetite suppressing drugs such as Phentermine.

Real Hoodia Gordonii Plus helped millions of people around the world to lose weight fast. While purchasing Hoodia Gordonii online, make sure that it has all necessary certifications proving it is not fake. Click here for certified, genuine Hoodia Gordonii Plus Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Davidoff

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............


After Pregnancy Weight Loss - The Best Time to Begin

Does the phrase "I'll start when..." sound familiar to you, when you are saying when you will start an exercise program for after pregnancy weight loss? I have a question for you. What is the benefit in waiting? Do you plan on something being drastically different in a week, two weeks, or even a month from now? You and I both know that as a busy mom there will always be way too much to do, and guess what that isn't going to change. There is not a perfect time other than right now to start doing something that is packed with benefits and rewards for your life and the lives of your family.

If I told you that very soon you could

1. Have more energy
2. Eliminate cravings
3. Reduce stress dramatically
4. Drop a dress size
5. Feel good about yourself again

Would you honestly look me in the eye and say to me "I'm not interested right now, but maybe later on?" I didn't think so either.

The key to being successful with after pregnancy weight loss is to not worry about what you see on T.V. with celebrity moms who just seem to melt away extra pregnancy weight within days of giving birth. One thing to keep in mind with these celebrity moms that you don't see is that they are surrounded by nutritionist, dietitians and fitness experts. They also have the luxery of having more money than any one person actually does need to have and they have access to every piece of fitness equipment know to mankind to get themselves back in shape.

In addition to the equipment and the people training them, they also have round the clock nannies there to essentially raise they're children for them so that they can spend 14 hours a day training to get back into red carpet form. In the real world we know that this isn't an option and we need to fit in what we can when we can.

Eating healthy for yourself and your new baby is the most important things that you should be concerned with.

Fitting in exercise is also important, but don't rush things too soon, always consult your doctor before starting any exercise routine. When you do get the go ahead from your doctor that it is ok for you to start, getting to work on after pregnancy weight loss will make you feel much better about yourself both mentally and physically.

Want to lose your after pregnancy weight quickly? Visit my site to learn how to fit into your pregnancy clothes in less than two months. Click Here! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carol_Johnson

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............


10 Weight Loss Secrets to Get Toned Abs

Here they are. The 10 weight loss secrets never before heard to help you get toned abs, and get them fast. Ok not really. As if there really were only 10 proven weight loss secrets that no one has ever thought of before.

The truth is, there are many ways to getting the body and the toned abs you have always wanted. The three things to remember the most are to work out your ENTIRE body, eat a balanced and nutritious diet, and practice proper sleeping habits. The fat in your stomach is actually a representation of your total body fat. To get the toned abs you want, it is all about losing the fat throughout your entire body.

Aside from those three fundamentals of weight loss, here are 10 secrets to keep in mind in your quest to get toned abs and a better body.

1. Eat breakfast - Establish your eating schedule early in the day and get your metabolism going. By eating breakfast, your body's metabolism gets going early in the day so that you can burn more calories throughout the day while you are active. If you eat your biggest meals late at night when you are less active (sleeping) your body will not burn the calories. Also the more you eat earlier in the day, the less likely you are to eat later in the day.

2. Work out early - Whether it is a full-blown workout or just a morning walk, getting up and moving early actually gives you more energy throughout your day and gets your body working.

3. Cut the coffee - A tip that will lighten yourself and your wallet! Try substituting juice, milk, or - you guessed it - water instead of your calorie-filled latte.

4. Do not neglect lifting weights because you "don't want to get big and strong" - Building muscle is actually the best weight loss secret and for every pound of muscle in your body you actually burn 50 more calories per day.

5. Don't be afraid to sweat - Try pushing yourself and let yourself sweat. You are not trying out for the world's strongest man competition, but that weight is not coming off by sitting on the couch either. If it were that easy, no one would need to lose it

6. Eat slower - It takes your brain about 20 minutes to recognize that you are full. The lesson? Eat your meals slower so that you can recognize that you are full before piling on. Drinking a big glass of water before meals is also an effective way of curbing your appetite.

7. Correct your habits at the grocery store - A simple idea. If you don't buy it, you won't eat it. Try by cutting out just one bad eating habit at the store.

8. No more pop! Ok a soda every once in a while is not a terrible thing. However, cutting just one (one!) soda a day for a year can save your body more than 3,000 tablespoons of sugar. That's 3,000 tablespoons of sugar that takes your body a lot of energy to dispose of.

9. Take the stairs - You have heard this one. Simple substitutions in your daily habits can go a
long way towards little improvements in your body. Parking farther away, doing calf raises in the shower, or lunges in your hallway all help you lose weight.

10. Play with your kids and your dog - Have fun with your family and your pets! They are always active so be active with them! Weight loss does not have to be boring, you know!

Remember these 10 weight loss secrets and practice healthy living. If you put your body (and your mind!) at work you really can get the toned abs and total body results you have always wanted!

Michael has provided the following link with more related information on weight loss secrets and toned abs. For information about these 10 weight loss secrets, visit Reviews and Secrets: Abs Workout Routines or Michael's Six Pack Abs Blog. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_A_Anthony

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............


Reduce Your Weight, Burn Your Fat - 5 Simple Tips to Achieve it Without Endangering You Body!

There has been a lot of talk about diet fads that have endangered the health of many instead of helping them reach their goal of losing weight or burning fat. The best approach to weight loss is actually common sense. Aiming for a healthy body needs a change in lifestyle. You do not have to choose a diet that is too restrictive where you are close to starving yourself or you already are. Your body needs all the vitamins and minerals it can get from food, plus the entire workout it can get from exercising.

If you want a safe way of losing weight and burning fat, simply follow these simple tips:

1. Get rid of certain foods that are not healthy for the body. Artificial chemicals like MSG, preservatives, and sweeteners can endanger your health. If you look at food labels and you do not recognize any of the items listed, then don't buy or eat it.

2. Limit sweets and junk foods. If you are in a weight loss program, it is best to limit or totally refrain from eating sweet foods and fast foods. Moderate the intake of food groups like protein, carbohydrates, and dairy foods and eliminate sweets.

3. Eat whole foods for a healthy you. Weight loss is not just about taking pills, capsules, drinks, or other forms of supplements. Eat fruits and vegetables instead; don't forget whole grains and healthy meats as well. Nothing can substitute healthy eating if you want to lose some pounds.

4. Drink a lot of water. Plain, safe, drinking water is better than other sweetened beverages or alcoholic drinks. Hydrate your body and help it flush away toxins and fats away. 5. Exercise daily. You don't have to go to the gym if you have no time. Spend time walking or jogging instead. Push-ups and sit-ups can help too.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Do this with Oprah's Dynamic Duo of Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse by Clicking Here Now! Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruben_McDaniels

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............


Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............

Eliminating Belly Fat - 5 Sure and Effective Ways of Melting Tummy Fat Revealed!

There are many reasons why you would like to eliminate your flabby belly but the most important reason is that fats in the stomach can lead to various diseases. Aside from that, having a sculpted abs can also gain you self-confidence and self- esteem. Just think of what a 6-pack abs can do for you!But before you get ahead of yourself, you should ask how melting tummy abs is actually possible.

Here are 5 sure and effective ways that you can do:

1. Set realistic goals to losing a flabby belly. Do not expect too much from your body. Unrealistic goals will lead to failure and you will end up feeling depressed and low. The key to planning is to set a series of short-term goals and try to reach for them one step at a time.

2. Curb your appetite so you can lose stomach fats. Nibble on healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, or nuts in between meals. This will make you feel less hungry and prevent you from pigging out on your meal when it is served.

3. Cut back on sweets. If you really want to eliminate mass on your stomach, lower your calorie intake by avoiding sweet foods wisely. You can always find a low calorie substitute for your favorite cakes. Limit eating sweet desserts and see the results.

4. Eat low fat foods instead of eliminating fats totally in your diet. Your body still needs fats but the healthy ones are those you can get from fish, chicken without the skin, and other foods. When cooking, steam or boil instead of deep-frying.

5. Work out to tone your stomach muscles. Simple cardio exercises that can be done at home will do the trick, and spend at least 30 minutes a day to do push-ups or sit-ups.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Do this with Oprah's Dynamic Duo of Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse by Clicking Here Now! Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruben_McDaniels

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............



Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............




What is the best way to lose weight Permanently?

Doing exercise to lose weight goes without saying. Doing exercise not only helps you burn more calories but also helps to strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles and also sends oxygen to the brain which helps it to remain alert and work at maximum capacity. It won’t make you more intelligent but it will help increase your reaction times. Eating healthily is also imperative in an healthy weight loss programme. In the past I used to think of healthy food as rabbit food, you know what I mean, bits of lettuce and cucumber. Don’ t get me wrong I love salads, but I couldn’t eat salads all day every day for the rest of my life. I think if that was the only way then I would probably choose to stay fat. Fortunately for us healthy food doesn’t mean dull food. Knowledge is power and when you learn that healthy food isn’t dull food. Eating healthily isn’t a problem at all. There are so many wonderful healthy and tasty dishes out there. You just have to look around. If you’re having problems finding recipes don’t worry I’ ve got loads for you to choose from. You’ll have no excuse to eat unhealthily ever again. You and your family can enjoy healthy food all year round. Well that‘s enough about food anyway. Going back to exercise, so we know exercising is the key, but which exercise should we do?

Well the list is endless

Running, WalkingCycling, StairmasterVolleyball, Swimming, Rope Skipping,Aerobics, Weight training, Football, Tennis, Lets take a look at how effective each exercise is in terms of calorie burning.

The following table shows how many calories the average person weighing 125lbs exercising for 10 minutes would burn. TYPE OF EXERCISE CALORIES BURED Running (9 min/mile) 109 Aerobics (traditional at high intensity) 95 Walking (15 min/mile) 44 Stairmaster 88 Volleyball 28 Weight training (muscular strength) 44 Cycling (9.4 mph) 56 Football 74 Rope Skipping 82 Swimming (fast crawl) 87 Tennis (singles) 61 You can see clearly that running is the most effective form of exercise.

So if you want to lose weight and burn the most calories in the least amount of time, it makes sense to incorporate running into your exercise and weight loss program. Not only that, with the exception of walking, running is the simplest exercise of them all as well. Think about it for a moment.

Aerobics requires that you go to a gym and wait for your class to begin, or you have to put on a workout video which requires a television and video player of some kind plus enough space within your home to move around and exercise properly.

A Stairmaster obviously requires a stair master machine, volleyball, football is a team sport, and even with tennis you will need other players plus a court or somewhere big enough to play the sport which isn’t always possible.

Weight training requires free weights plus specialist machines that target specific muscle groups which can be found at the gym, not to mention the protective gloves and supports that heavy weight lifting requires.

Swimming on the other hand can’t be done without a pool and preferably some goggles. Another thing you need to ask yourself is how long can you stay in a pool before you start to feel cold. Remember the water is a great conductor of heat. Once you stop moving your body will cool down and the water will suck up all the heat which could lead to you feeling unwell, not to mention all the chlorine in the water.

Rope skipping is much easier and safer, all you need is a rope, but ask yourself how long have you ever skipped for. How enjoyable is skipping? Could you see yourself skipping for half hour? Have a try and you’ll know what I mean.

Running on the other hand doesn’t require any special equipment, just put on a comfortable pair of running shoes and walk out into the street. You can run on a treadmill if you like, but it’s not essential. Actually the majority of people who incorporate running into their exercise programme prefer to run outdoors anyway. They find the change in scenery as you run helps to achieve an even better workout. They enjoy the scenery so much that they forget they are running and end up doing even more exercise. Running on a treadmill starring into open space can sometimes feel dull and boring. I’m not saying that you should do any of the other exercises. Not at all, having variety in your workout is always good. I love playing sports and I incorporate other exercises into my workout. However running is always my main exercise. That is my bread and butter WHY because it is without a doubt the best form of exercise and without it I would still be fat today. There’s more to running than meets the eye. Knowing when to run, how far to run, how fast to run, when to rest and for how long, how to stretch and how to deal with injuries are just a few of the issues you will encounter when you start running. Get it right from the start learn how to get the best out of your workout and shed those unwanted pounds faster than you’ve ever done before and keep if off forever. Change your life forever. I did it and so can you. Best wishes

Sam Das [Author of the ‘Lazy Woman’s Way To Lose Weight’] FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE MY EXCLUSIVE WEIGHTLOSS REPORT To Give Yourself A fantastic Head Start To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever...............Visit the website below.............



Have your ever thought about running a marathon, It's unbelieveable how many thousands of people finally lose weight by simply focussing on training for a marathon instead of just trying to lose weight. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARATHON TRAINING REPORT To Give Yourself A Fantastic Head Start.....Visit the Website Below............
